March is winding down and we are entering into the final portion of the project!  We have actually met three times since the last post yet there is still so much to do.

Last weekend we worked on laying down some tracks for "O Church of God," one of the "standards" of the church.  LOVE the way this song is turning out too. We're giving it a sort of celtic flavor to this classic anthem and looking forward to sharing it. 

Last night we added some fine tuning to a couple of songs we laid down the basic tracks for earlier: "A Child of God" and "There Is Joy In the Service."

We are asking for your continued prayer for a few items.  Please pray for the following:
- Our drum situation.  Please pray that the Lord makes a way available for us to get the equipment we need.
- Timing. We still have quite a bit to do to finish up everything; the deadline gets closer as each day goes by.  Pray that we are able to finish and nothing hinders the completion of the project.
- Humbleness.  Pray that God is glorified through this project and not the musicians and others involved.  Apart from Christ we are nothing... help us to keep that at the forefront of our minds as we work on this project.  As always... he must increase!

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