It's official!  
You can now purchase the CD onine at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/projectfoundations.  You can purchase a hardcopy CD with case and information jacket here for $15.00 as well as download the mp3 version for $9.99.  We expect it to be loaded on iTunes and Rhapsody in the next few weeks.  All profit from CD sales goes to the Ohio Church of God Central District Campmeeting.  Please share and spread the word!

What a busy summer it has been and oh how much has happened since our last update!

First, the CDs are out and have been on sale for a little over a month now.  So far, all we have received is positive feedback!  

It has been a real blessing to hear how the songs resonate with people!  Some like one song more than another and others have shared how a particular song really ministered to them in a moment of need!  One of the songs, "What a Mighty God We Serve," is played by a couple with a newborn baby whenever he is grumpy in the car and it puts him right to sleep every time!  Whatever the story, it is amazing to see how the music touches individuals.  And that is the power of these songs!

One HUGE piece of news we just received today!  We've been asked to play and lead worship at the Anderson School of Theology in March!  This is truly a humbling experience and we would appreciate your prayers as we prepare.  

We are selling CDs... if you would like one, drop us your information on the "Contact us!" page and we'll let you know the options for ordering.  We do expect online CD sales to be set up within the next month as well as iTunes, Rhapsody and other online music services!

THANKS to everyone who has purchased a CD so far... help us spread the word!